The provided lawn care calendar furnishes an outline for maintaining a home lawn. It's important to note that not every lawn necessitates all listed maintenance activities. Customize the care of your lawn based on its specific requirements and challenges. Additionally, carefully read and adhere to all label instructions when using pesticides to ensure their safe and effective application.

Wisconsin & Minnesota's Lawn Care Season Runs From April-November

Clear winter debris from the lawn and tine rake/dethatch if the thatch layer is more than 2".
Reseed any bare spots. Make sure to use a quality seed. We recommend Twin Cities Seed Company in Edina, Minnesota. You can also find their seed on Amazon.
Mow the lawn to reduce grass height by 1/3, leaving it between 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 inches tall depending on the type of grass. Avoid mowing areas that were seeded.
Apply pre-emergent crabgrass herbicide. Avoid applying to areas that were seeded.
Core aerate the lawn if the thatch layer exceeds one inch when the grass is actively growing.
In late May (Memorial Day), fertilize the lawn using controlled-release or slow-release fertilizer. Apply the label rate for sunny areas and half the rate for shaded regions.
Use herbicides on established lawns to control actively growing broadleaf weeds. Avoid using herbicides on newly seeded areas.
Apply herbicide for broadleaf weed control if not done previously.
Begin watering the lawn as needed for the summer or allow it to go dormant if natural rains are sufficient.
Monitor for insect pests, diseases, and other lawn issues.
Photo of Grub Damage - Photo Credit UofM

Water the lawn as necessary. Not doing so will make it to go dormant if we have a dry summer with little rain.
Early in July (Around the 4th of July), fertilize with a controlled-release or slow-release fertilizer based on the label rate for sunny and shaded areas. Skip this application if specific conditions apply.
Apply grub control product if the lawn has a history of grub problems or is high maintenance.
Avoid seeding and spraying for weeds.
Monitor for insect pests, diseases, and other lawn problems.
Lawn Renovation by St. Croix Lawn Maintenance

Water the lawn as needed.
Establish a new lawn or renovate the current one. Mid-August to mid-September is ideal for lawn establishment in Wisconsin.
Monitor for insects, diseases, and other lawn problems.
Early in September (around Labor Day), fertilize the lawn using a controlled-release or slow-release formulation. Apply the label rate for sunny areas and half the rate for shaded areas.
Apply herbicides to established lawns for broadleaf weed control. Fall is the preferred time for herbicide application. Avoid applying herbicides to new lawns planted in August or September.
Core aerate actively growing lawns if the thatch layer is over one inch thick or if the soil is compacted. Now is also a good time to overseed the lawn to thicken it up and fill in any bare areas.

Apply broadleaf herbicide to the lawn if not applied in September and weeds are still growing.
Fertilize the lawn in early October if clippings have been bagged throughout the season. Use controlled-release or slow-release formulation, applying the label rate for sunny areas and half the rate for shaded areas.
Continue mowing the lawn until it goes dormant for the winter.
Clean up leaves that have fallen on the grass and garden beds.